Hello, you absolute legends.
I've been using lilshizzy's "Encoded" package for the better part of a decade, expanding the CPU core modules as my rig has evolved, and troubleshot the weather module all the while as changes have been made to the original weather resource, until I had to find a new service altogether (wttr.in now).
I'm writing this post because while I had figured out how to get the skin working with wttr.in, it was a) inconsistent and b) is not currently working anymore. (You can see the lone degree symbol to the right of sadkeanubro)
I've tried to do some basic troubleshooting by just getting one string to populate, but it's failing:
This is what I originally had working, even though the skin would sometimes just go blank, and come back whenever it feels like it:
I'm assuming that the following should at least return the temperature value, but it fails. I've tried to make some adjustments to the rest of the skins to simplify things, and am not sure if I fux0red things further. The skin only really needs two values, the temperature and the description.
Here's the full skin:
Anything I try results in "RegExp matching error (-1)" in the logs.
Any assistance is much appreciated. Coding is not a proficiency of mine. :)
I've been using lilshizzy's "Encoded" package for the better part of a decade, expanding the CPU core modules as my rig has evolved, and troubleshot the weather module all the while as changes have been made to the original weather resource, until I had to find a new service altogether (wttr.in now).

I'm writing this post because while I had figured out how to get the skin working with wttr.in, it was a) inconsistent and b) is not currently working anymore. (You can see the lone degree symbol to the right of sadkeanubro)
I've tried to do some basic troubleshooting by just getting one string to populate, but it's failing:
RegExp=(?siU)"temp_F": "(.*)"
RegExp="(?siU)"temp_F": "(.*)".*"weatherCode": "(.*)".*"value": "(.*)""
[MeasureCurrent]Measure=PluginPlugin=Plugins\WebParser.dllUrl="https://en.wttr.in/las+vegas?0nQT&format=j1"RegExp=(?siU)"temp_F": "(.*)"
[Rainmeter]Author=lilshizzy@gmail.comUpdate=1000MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TempActive][!RainmeterShowMeter Temp][!RainmeterRedraw]MiddleMouseDownAction=!RainmeterActivateConfig #CURRENTCONFIG# Weather_white.ini@include=#SKINSPATH#Encoded\Variables\Fonts.inc[Metadata]Name=Encoded - Weather RedConfig=Description=Instructions=The default weather code is set to Los Angeles, to get your Weather Code visit (weather.yahoo.com) type in your Zip, click the RSS button, your code will be in the address bar. Click on "Edit Skin" below to enter your code.Version=1000Tags=License=Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0Variant=Preview=[Variables]@include=#SKINSPATH#Encoded\Variables\Default.inc@include=\UserVariables.inc[Styles]@include=#SKINSPATH#Encoded\Variables\Styles.inc[MeasureCurrent]Measure=PluginPlugin=Plugins\WebParser.dllUrl="https://en.wttr.in/las+vegas?0nQT&format=j1"RegExp=(?siU)"temp_F": "(.*)" .* "weatherDesc": .* "value": "(.*)";RegExp="(?siU)"temp_F": "(.*)".*"weatherCode": "(.*)".*"value": "(.*)""UpdateRate=60[MeasureTempCurrent]Measure=PluginPlugin=Plugins\WebParser.dllUrl=[MeasureCurrent]StringIndex=1[MeasureWeatherTextCurrent]Measure=PluginPlugin=Plugins\WebParser.dllUrl=[MeasureCurrent]StringIndex=2[Background]Meter=IMAGE;SolidColor=0,0,0,50W=350H=50X=0Y=0[Temp]MeasureName=MeasureTempCurrentMeter=STRINGMeterStyle=redboldrFontSize=23X=290Y=15Postfix="°"[Desc]MeasureName=MeasureWeatherTextCurrentMeter=STRINGMeterStyle=redlightr;SolidColor=0,0,0,150FontSize=20X=-55rY=rW=230H=30[TempActive]Meter=STRINGMeasureName=MeasureCurrentMeterStyle=redboldrFontSize=23X=290Y=rFontColor=#Color3#LeftMouseDownAction=!Execute [[MeasureWeatherRSS]]Postfix="°"Hidden=1
Any assistance is much appreciated. Coding is not a proficiency of mine. :)
Statistics: Posted by V1RUX — 19 minutes ago — Replies 0 — Views 3