Hello guys,
Im writing script for weather that changes the url i parse depending on time. I isolated the part of url that changes and substituted it by function "Kod"The string value for "Kod" is wrong tho. At the time I write this, it is 22 and it returns 4 as "number", so that's good, but as a string it returns "008".
I decided to test a little bit more and just fur that i changed 18 to 1234 and it results in "000600064"...
Since I am new I have no idea what might be the cause of that.
Thank you in advance for your help
Im writing script for weather that changes the url i parse depending on time. I isolated the part of url that changes and substituted it by function "Kod"
[Kod]measure = calcFormula = (([godzina] >= 18) && ([godzina] < 24))? 4 : ((([godzina] >= 12) && ([godzina] < 18))? 3 : (([godzina] >= 6) && ([godzina] < 12))? 2 :(([godzina] >= 0) && ([godzina] < 6))? 1 : 0 )substitute= "4" : "18" , "3" : "12", "2" : "06" , "1" : "00"
I decided to test a little bit more and just fur that i changed 18 to 1234 and it results in "000600064"...
Since I am new I have no idea what might be the cause of that.
Thank you in advance for your help
Statistics: Posted by Najrov — Yesterday, 9:59 pm — Replies 1 — Views 61