So i would like a skin on my desktop, that says HDR is on or off. I got this far.checkhdr.ps1 If i run the script inside Powershell ISE, it shows HDR OFF or ON. When i run the file, it shows a window for a split second and then its gone. However, loading the skin and refreshing does nothing, so im lost. I added AllowUnsafeScripts=1 into .ini file. Log file shows no errors. What else can i try?
So i would like a skin on my desktop, that says HDR is on or off. I got this far.
[Rainmeter]Update=1000[MeasureHDRStatus]Measure=PluginPlugin=RunCommandProgram=powershell.exeParameter=-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Users\Boris\Desktop\Rainmeter Portable\checkhdr.ps1"OutputType=ANSIState=Hide[MeterStatus]Meter=StringMeasureName=MeasureHDRStatusX=500Y=500FontSize=26FontColor=255,255,255Text=%1
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass$hdrStatus = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\WMI -Class WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams).ActiveHDRif ($hdrStatus -eq 1) { Write-Output "HDR ON"} else { Write-Output "HDR OFF"}
Statistics: Posted by BorisLFC — Today, 2:17 pm — Replies 2 — Views 37